Who is Jean Gregoire Sagbo?
Jean Sagbo is Russia’s first black elected official. Jean migrated to Russia in 1982 to study economics. He married a woman from the village of Novozavidovsky. In Novozavidovsky, he served as a councilor. Novozavidovsky is in Northeastern Russia. The town is 100 km (or 75 miles) north of Moscow.
Where was Jean Gregoire Sagbo born?
Jean Sagbo was born on September 10, 1959, in what is now known as Benin. In 1975, the Republic of Dahomey became Benin. Jean was born in the Republic of Dahomey.
His position as council
The position of a councilor is unpaid. Jean’s work focused on improving the community. He organized volunteer garbage pickup days, reclaiming abandoned lots as community spaces, and other community beautification initiatives.

His impact on how Africans are viewed in Russia
[Jean] and many residents believe his time in office has helped improve the negative attitude some Russians have about Africans and dispel a widespread belief that many Russians don’t like black people.
If people that live in the same town as Jean believe he made a difference, he made a difference. Winning his election says a lot about him and his town. His story is one of tolerance and embracing diversity.